Our Mission
Muffles Junior College, a Roman Catholic Junior College under the auspices of the Sisters of Mercy, commits itself to quality education that is relevant to the needs of a Belizean society. It strives to develop the total person - spiritually, morally, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially - in keeping with the teachings of Jesus and in the Mercy tradition. It also seeks to create, through active participation of all concerned, an environment of harmony, tolerance, and respect for individual differences.
Our Affiliations
Muffles Junior College is a tertiary level institution recognized by the Government of Belize. The College is also a member of ATLIB (Association of Tertiary Level Institutions of Belize), and CANQATE (Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education).
Our Campus Facilities
Muffles Junior College is on a twenty-five acre campus situated 1.3 miles on the San Estevan Road, Orange Walk Town. Its main building, located at the entrance of the campus, houses eight classrooms, two computer science laboratories, the faculty room, the administrative offices, and conference facilities. Behind this main building are the students’ recreational center and the food services area.